Jack Smith, the recently appointed special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump, "was looking for ways to prosecute the innocent Americans that Lois Lerner targeted during the IRS scandal," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told the Washington Examiner.
According to the Examiner, Smith might have provided the impetus for the IRS sending nonprofit tax records to the FBI by telling officials to contact Lois Lerner, the former director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit who became embroiled in a scandal over investigations into Tea Party groups and other conservative nonprofits.
Smith previously said in testimony that while his office "had a dialogue with the FBI," it "never opened any investigations" into those groups.
Jordan previously criticized Smith's appointment during an interview with Fox News, saying: "Merrick Garland says we're going to put in as the special counsel the very individual who was at the Justice Department and was looking for ways to prosecute the people Lois Lerner and Obama's IRS targeted."
Jordan added: "If that's not a political Justice Department, I don't know what is. So this is why we're going to look into this issue. And we're going to get to the bottom of everything they've been doing at the politicized DOJ."