Rand Paul's presidential campaign would like you to know that his supporters come in a variety of demographic categories, including Jews.
At Paul's website, the social media-savvy candidate offers up a range of profile photos covering a broad assortment of categories with which a Paul voter might identify, ranging from "Christian for Rand" to "Musician for Rand" to "Fisherman for Rand," to "Jew for Rand."
"We need to spread our message of liberty far and wide. One of the best ways to do this is by supporting me using social media," Paul explains at the site. "Use the profile pics, cover photos, and widgets to show your support to your friends across the country."
Of all the supporter categories, the "Jew for Rand" profile photo was one that seemed the most conspicuous for some who glanced at the site.
Some took issue with the terminology:
Others noted that there was no corresponding sign for Muslims:
Others wanted more expansive categories:
Paul will have to do more than offer profile pictures catering to Jewish voters on a website to convince his critics that he is as pro-Israel as his GOP rivals. Recently, the Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America (see: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth) released a web ad angrily accusing Paul of siding with President Obama on letting the negotiations with Iran run their course.
In 2011, Paul's call for eventually cutting foreign aid to countries including Israel set off a firestorm. He has since attempted to clarify his views, but, until now, had not gone after the Jewish vote using actual signs.