Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has climbed into third place behind front-runners Ben Carson and Donald Trump in a new
KBUR/Monmouth College poll of Iowa voters that asserts it contains "the first Iowa poll results since the third Republican debate" on Oct. 28.
Here are the full results of the poll:
- Ben Carson: 27.5 percent
- Donald Trump: 20.4 percent
- Ted Cruz: 15.1 percent
- Marco Rubio: 10.1 percent
- Jeb Bush: 9.0 percent
- Carly Fiorina: 4.1 percent
- Chris Christie: 2.3 percent
- John Kasich: 1.9 percent
- Mike Huckabee: 1.7 percent
- Rand Paul: 1.6 percent
- Bobby Jindal: 1.3 percent
- Rick Santorum: 0.7 percent
- Jim Gilmore: 0.3 percent
- Lindsey Graham: 0.2 percent
- George Pataki: 0.0 percent
- Undecided: 3.8 percent
"Ted Cruz is the only candidate who has improved his standing since the debate, doubling his percentage since the first KBUR-Monmouth College poll in June and about 5 points better than the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average and 6 points higher than the Huffington Post trend," KBUR radio host Robin Johnson is quoted as saying about the poll.
"Republican voters seem to be sorting the race down to five candidates as we move closer to caucus day on February."
The pollsters note that Carson is 6 points better among female voters than he is with male voters while Trump is 4 points better with male voters than he is with female voters.
"The survey was conducted October 29-31 by Douglas Fulmer & Associates and included 874 Republican likely voters statewide. The 799 interviews were completed by automated calls and another 75 by live calls to cell phones. The margin of error is + 3.37%," the pollsters state.