Kim Dotcom, an internet entrepreneur known for his illegal file-sharing website Megaupload, took to Twitter on Wednesday saying Hillary Clinton's 33,000 deleted emails could be recovered legally by the U.S. National Security Agency.
"I know where Hillary Clintons [sic] deleted emails are and how to get them legally," Dotcom, who is currently fighting extradition to the U.S. on copyright infringement charges, wrote on Twitter.
Dotcom's Tweet includes a screen shot a five-step plan on how to obtain the emails legally:
According to the International Business Times, the NSA is capable and allowed to keep bulk internet data, including emails and social media posts for up to five years and XKeyscore, the surveillance program revealed by Edward Snowden and referred to by Dotcom in his Tweet, allows analysts to drill deeper into a user's data.
Although reports show that Clinton began using a private email server in the basement of her home starting as early as 2009, the data will only go back to year 2011, when Clinton served as secretary of state.
According to the Times, Dotcom said that he is only "trying to 'highlight that there is a legal route' to access Clinton's emails."
On Wednesday Dotcom wrote on Twitter:
Dotcom and other founders of his Megaupload site could be extradited to the U.S., a judge ruled last year.
According to the Times, Dotcom is working on an appeal and currently living in New Zealand.