Rush Limbaugh says he's never seen a Republican president like Trump – one who is unafraid to take the media on and punch back.
"There's no other Republican White House that would ever deal with this like this," Limbaugh told his audience this week after watching a White House press conference. "This is earth-shattering, it's precedent-setting."
Limbaugh noted that for decades the media's liberal political activities went unchallenged — until President Trump.
"For 25 years, 30 years, whatever length of time I've been doing this, I have been focusing attention here on the media, telling people how they operate, who they are, what they do, and what they don't do.
"And how they now have become the organizing power of the American left, not the Democrat Party."
Rather than being objective and balanced, Limbaugh said the "media are now running the operations of the American left."
And President Trump's real threat, Limbaugh argues, is that the media has decided to destroy him at any cost — even if it means making news from fiction.
"It is Fake Media," Limbaugh explained. "The New York Times, the Washington Post are using made-up stuff from synonymous sources and they've been pursuing nothing for a full year."
Limbaugh also has urged conservatives to get the #1 best-selling book of the Trump presidency, "Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America."
Written by conservative thinker David Horowitz and released the week Trump was inaugurated, it shot to the top of Amazon and has sat for months at the top of The New York Times best-seller list.
Limbaugh praised "Big Agenda", saying it "provides a clear assessment of the challenges the new president faces and a road map for a winning agenda that conservatives will embrace."
"Big Agenda" has become the talk of radio and cable news because of its uncanny predictions about Trump's plans — including his decision to implement a ban on Muslim extremists, stepped-up border enforcement, his deregulation blueprint, and his military build-up.
But Horowitz also warned in "Big Agenda" that former President Barack Obama would create a virtual "government-in-exile" while working with "deep state" bureaucrats he appointed to thwart President Trump's agenda at every step.
"Big Agenda" has become a bible for White House outsiders who want to know what Trump will do next, but also a war plan for "insiders" who have been fighting back against the liberal media establishment that Limbaugh has warned about.
"Big Agenda" is available at Amazon and bookstores everywhere – or check out Newsmax's FREE Offer and save $27 – Click Here Now