Sen. Lindsey Graham is a harsh critic of President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, and says his biggest mistake is yet to come: Allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons.
Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel's
"On the Record with Greta Van Susteren," the South Carolina Republican said Obama tends to marginalize threats and oversell his successes.
"Bin Laden is dead, but al Qaida is not decimated," Graham said. "If we continue on the path we are with the Iranians they'll wind up with a nuclear capability like North Korea and one day have a bomb. He's about to make the biggest mistake of this presidency."
The United States is part of multinational talks to allow Iran to develop what Iran says is a peaceful nuclear energy program. Critics such as Graham say Iran's real aim is a nuclear weapons program, with which it could wipe out Israel and even reach Europe or the United States.
"The only thing between us and a nuclear-capable Iran, the ayatollahs in Iran, will be the U.N.," Graham said. "That did not work in North Korea. It will not work in Iran."