Residents of Maine can now identify themselves as "non-binary" on their driver's licenses, meaning they do not consider themselves male or female.
The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles says people who want to change the gender on their licenses from "male" or "female" can apply for a sticker that reads "Gender has been changed to X – non-binary," the Bangor Daily News reports.
The new designation follows a resident’s complaint to the Maine Human Rights Commission that such a designation wasn’t available in The Pine Tree State.
There will be no fee for the sticker which can be placed over an existing license. A "gender designation form" is now available for the change.
Quinn Gormley, executive director of MaineTransNet, which supports transgender people, said in a statement to The Portland Press Herald:
"This change represents the next major step towards full legal recognition of the lives of transgender Mainers. Affirming and accurate IDs help to break down significant barriers to housing, employment, and education faced by many transgender people."
Oregon, California, and Washington, D.C., also offer non-binary gender options on driver's licenses.