Most Americans, about three-in-four, think abortion should be limited to the first three months of pregnancy, including most people who identify as pro-choice, according to a new Marist Poll.
Marist has conducted an annual survey on abortion views, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, each January since 2008. The latest results show that while more respondents identify as pro-choice rather than pro-life, the majority of Americans still favor some restrictions.
- 55 percent identify as pro-choice.
- 38 percent identify as pro-life.
- 75 percent say abortion should be limited to the first three months.
- 15 percent say abortion should be allowed at any point in a pregnancy.
- 65 percent say that if the Supreme Court revisits Roe v. Wade, they should allow states to decide whether to impose restrictions or ban abortions.
“As in past years, this poll shows that the pro-choice label on the abortion issue is simply insufficient,” Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said in a statement. “The majority of Americans – in both parties – support legal restrictions on abortion. Two-thirds of Americans want Roe revisited to allow for state regulation of abortion or to ban it altogether. The majority of the American people deserve to have their opinions heard.”
Marist surveyed 1,066 American adults from Jan. 8 to 10, 2019.