Senator John McCain said Sunday he is ashamed of the lack of help being given to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists.
"I'm ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of my president and ashamed of myself that I haven't done more to help these people," McCain told
"Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer.
Schieffer didn’t' let the comment pass, noting, "I'll say this, senator, I've known you for a long, long time, interviewed you many, many times. I've never heard you say I'm ashamed of my country, which you just said."
McCain said German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have legitimized the dismemberment of a country in Europe for the first time since World War II. The two met with leaders in Kiev and Moscow last week, and have urged the United States not to send arms to the Ukrainians.
"Ukrainians aren't asking for American boots on the ground," McCain said. "They're asking for weapons to defend themselves, they're being slaughtered and military is being shattered."
McCain has long urged arming Ukraine. He noted that it doesn't have weapons to stop Russian tanks currently inside eastern Ukraine.
"Some of the best Russian special forces are there, and they will continue this aggression for as long as they can get away with it," McCain said. "Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine not to be part of Europe, and he is succeeding in doing so."
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