NBC host Megyn Kelly said Monday President Donald Trump would face a challenging legal battle in court if the women who have accused him of groping them were to press charges.
Kelly had three Trump accusers on her show Monday morning, including one woman who said Trump kissed her while she worked as a receptionist at Trump Tower in 2005. Kelly later appeared on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports" and talked about the issue of sexual misconduct.
"I used to practice law for 10 years," Kelly said. "As a practical matter, the consistency of the allegations and his own admissions on tape deliver a problematic case to him."
More than a dozen women have accused Trump of forcibly kissing and/or groping them Trump has denied the allegations, but working against him is the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape that was made public last fall. On it, he can be heard bragging about kissing and grabbing women who are not his wife.
Trump has also told radio host Howard Stern he would line up the contestants in beauty pageants he owned and look at them.
"One of the women who was on my show this morning talked about how he came backstage at the Miss USA pageant — she was Miss North Carolina at the time — and lined them up like pieces of meat, she said, and looked them up and down in the privacy of the dressing room," " Kelly told Mitchell. ". . . Donald Trump is on tape with Howard Stern admitting he liked to do that, even though he's called this woman a liar."