After President Donald Trump signed into law a bill making animal cruelty a federal crime, actress Mia Farrow took a shot at him by posting a photo of Donald Jr. and Eric Trump on Twitter posing with a dead leopard along with a message to the president to "tell your sons that animal cruelty is now a crime."
The photo, from a hunting trip to Zimbabwe in 2010, first appeared publicly in 2012 and caused controversy at the time, with at least one sponsor cancelling ads for Trump's "The Celebrity Apprentice," according to Newsweek.
It is not the first time Farrow has posted the photo herself, having done so in a 2015 tweet along with the message, "What went so wrong with Trump sons that they could kill this beautiful creature."
However, despite Farrow's implication, the bill signed into law by Trump does not apply to hunting, fishing, predator or pest control, medical or scientific research, routine euthanization of an animal, the "slaughter of animals for food," or "normal veterinary, agricultural husbandry, or other animal management practice," according to Breitbart.
Instead, the law criminalizes animal torture, "including crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, and impaling live animals, and other abuses such as sexually exploiting them," according to The Humane Society.