A cell phone traced to President Donald Trump's former "fixer" Michael Cohen sent signals that bounced off Prague-area towers in late summer of 2016, leaving a potential electronic record supporting a British spy's dossier claiming he'd met with Russian officials there during the presidential campaign, sources claiming knowledge with the matter have reported.
Further, an Eastern European intelligence agency picked up a conversation between Russians at around the same time, with one saying Cohen was in Prague, McClatchy News reports, noting that the new evidence helps bolster the claims in the dossier, which Trump dismissed as a "pile of garbage."
Late Thursday, Cohen himself weighed in and continued to dismiss the reports of him in Prague.
Cohen, who has been cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference since this summer, tweeted that he had never been to the Czech capital, adding, “Mueller knows everything.”
“I hear #Prague #CzechRepublic is beautiful in the summertime. I wouldn’t know as I have never been. #Mueller knows everything!” Cohen wrote on Twitter Thursday afternoon.
The new information doesn't show why he was in Prague or who he would have been meeting with, or even that a meeting occurred. However, the intercepts have been shared with special counsel Robert Mueller.
In April, McClatchy reported Muller had gotten evidence that Cohen traveled to Prague from Germany in late August or early September 2016, but not how he got the information.
Four sources spoke with the news service under the condition of anonymity, and Peter Carr, a spokesman in Mueller's office, earlier refused comments about the evidence.
However, Cohen's spokesman, Lanny Davis, stressed that Cohen continues to deny ever visiting Prague.
"He has said one million times he was never in Prague,” Davis said. “One million and one times. He’s never been to Prague. … He’s never been to the Czech Republic.”
However, Davis is no longer on Cohen's legal team and said he's not been briefed on what Cohen may have told Mueller's investigators. He also refused to comment about the reports about the electronic evidence.