Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., wants a criminal referral against President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen for violating federal lobbying laws, the New York Post reported Wednesday.
Meadows' request came after he questioned Cohen about money he received from BTA bank in Kazakhstan during testimony by the president’s former fixer before the House Oversight Committee.
In response to the question, Cohen said "The former CEO of that bank had absconded between 4 to 6 billion [dollars]. And some of that money was here in the United States and they sought my assistance in finding, locating that money and helping them to collect it."
A request by Meadows that at its next meeting, the committee look "in a bipartisan way at criminal referrals" against Cohen was denied by Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings.
The statute Meadows was seeking a criminal referral against Cohen was FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which is a 1938 law that requires lobbyists to disclose work they perform for foreign entities.
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