First lady Michelle Obama is scheduled to attend a campaign rally for Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist on Friday in Orlando, the
Tampa Bay Times reported.
She is also slated to take part in a fundraiser for the Republican-turned-independent-turned-Democratic candidate at former basketball star Grant Hill's Orlando-area home, according to
The Hill.
Vice President Joe
Biden campaigned with Crist on Monday in South Florida, The Hill reported.
The first lady has been on the campaign trail of late.
She was in Wisconsin on behalf of Mary Burke, who is taking on Republican Gov. Scott Walker, and in Illinois in support of Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, who is being challenged by Republican businessman Bruce Rauner.
She has also visited Iowa to back Rep. Bruce Braley against Republican Joni Ernst in the U.S. Senate race, and in Michigan, where she appeared with Rep. Gary Peters, who is running for the U.S. Senate against Republican Terri Lynn Land.
Earlier Obama had campaigned in Maine for Mike Michaud, who is running against Republican Gov. Paul LePage, and in Massachusetts for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley, who is opposed by Republican Charlie Baker, according to media reports.