Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday he's against removing Confederate monuments to try to "erase parts of our history just in the name of some contemporary political cause."
In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Pence said he believes the nation needs more monuments, not less.
"Rather than tearing down monuments that have graced our cities all across this country for years, we ought to have been building more monuments," he said. "We ought to be celebrating the men and women who've helped our nation move toward a more perfect union and tell the whole story of America."
His remarks begin at about the 13:55-minute mark.
The monuments to Civil War generals of the Confederacy have become a flashpoint in the wake of a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left one rally protester dead.
Charlottesville, Baltimore and other cities have either taken down or are considering removing statutes and monuments connected with the Confederacy. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) announced last week he'd file legislation to have such statues removed from the Capitol.
But Pence argued removal of statues should be a "local decision," adding, however, "It's important that we remember our past and build on the progress that we have made."
President Donald Trump last week defended the Confederate statues, saying their removal would be "foolish" and calling them "beautiful" and a reflection of the country's history and culture.