House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been accused by a leading black Republican strategist of attempting to start "an ugly race war" in Congress.
Ron Christie, a former member of Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff, wrote in
The Daily Beast that Democrats will "stop at nothing to consolidate their perks and power … by smearing Republicans [by accusing them] of being racist."
Editor's Note: CIA Global Forecast: Is America Slipping Away?
In his column, titled "Cynical Race-Baiting Will Fail to Save Democrats," Christie continued, "Their latest ploy? Republicans must be racist for resisting calls by the Democrats and President Obama to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
He was referring to a statement Pelosi made last week stating that Republicans did not want to raise immigration legislation in the lower chamber this year because of racism, according to
"I think race has something to do with the fact that they are not bringing up an immigration bill," she said. "I’ve heard them say to the Irish, 'If it was you, it would be easy.'"
Christie, the CEO of Christie Strategies, a communications management firm in Alexandria, Va., said Pelosi would not be able to name the "dastardly Republican" who allegedly made the Irish comment.
"This from the same Representative who said the House needed to pass Obamacare in order to know what the legislation contained. I’d offer that her credibility is wanting, to put it politely," said Christie, author of
"Black in the White House: Life Inside George W. Bush's West Wing."
Christie also noted that Pelosi's comments were quickly followed by a similar accusations of GOP racism from Democratic New York Rep.
Steve Israel, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
"To a significant extent, the Republican base does have elements that are animated by racism," he said during CNN’s State of the Union program, "And that’s unfortunate."
Christie, a professor at George Washington University, said Israel offers no facts "to fortify his incendiary charge," while adding, "Is this how the leader of the body charged with electing Democrats to Congress hopes to win in November — by alleging that the Republican base is animated by racism?"
He went on, "What makes the comments of Pelosi and Israel particularly reprehensible is that they offer no evidence of such scurrilous accusations."
But Christie declared that the "laughable" Democratic accusations "won’t work." He said, "This November I predict the American voters will render judgment on Democrat attempts to divide the country on racial lines in a cynical attempt to cling to power.
"By seeking to exploit our ugly past with racial bigotry for political advantage, Democrats should be prepared to have their proverbial chickens come home to roost."
Christie’s attack on Pelosi and Israel came the day after conservative commentator
George Will hit out at suggestions by Attorney General Eric Holder that attacks on him and President Barack Obama by Republicans had their foundation in racism.
"Liberalism has a kind of Tourette's syndrome these days," Will said on "Fox News Sunday." "It’s just constantly saying the word racism and racist."
Editor's Note: CIA Global Forecast: Is America Slipping Away?