Almost 2 million people have signed a petition calling for Netflix to remove a Brazilian comedy special over its depiction of Jesus as gay.
Just over 1.8 million have signed the petition calling on Netflix to remove “The First Temptation of Christ,” a 46-minute Portuguese-language special from the Brazilian YouTube comedy group Porta dos Fundos, which translates to “Back Door.” The petition calls for them to be “held responsible for the crime of villainous faith,” according to Business Insider.
"Porta dos Fundos values artistic freedom and humor through satire on the most diverse cultural themes of our society and believes that freedom of expression is an essential construction for a democratic country," the group said in a statement.
"Nothing allows anyone the right to vilify people's deeply held beliefs. The right to freedom of expression does not nullify respect for people and their values,” the National Conference of Bishops in Brazil said in a statement released last week.
Texas-based Bishop Joseph Strickland tweeted on Sunday: “Respect is the last thing they are thinking about, every Christian should denounce this film, it is blasphemy against the Son of God who suffered & died even for all who deny that He is Lord of the Universe. His prayer for them....’Father forgive them they know not what they do’”