The Obama administration and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied to the United States as four Americans were dying during the 2012 attacks on the Benghazi, Libya diplomatic outpost, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday.
"In fact, the White House and the State Department sat on the whole thing while the fight went on," Gingrich, commenting on the House Select Committee on
Benghazi report released earlier in the morning, told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program.
"The most disturbing thing is we now know without any reasonable doubt that they methodically lied to the American people and lied to the world about what happened," Gingrich continued.
"You just have to, as you look at the elections this fall, as long as you understand that Hillary Clinton lied while Americans were dying, did so deliberately and knowingly, if you're comfortable with that in your commander in chief, then Hillary ought to get your vote."
Gingrich told the program that he finds it "fascinating " that the "elite media" is trying to protect Clinton and cover up for her, when last week people attacked Donald Trump for being wrong when he commented that more than 600 requests went to Washington on security in Libya and Benghazi.
"They were all ignored by the central office under Hillary Clinton," said Gingrich. "When the event actually occurred, there was some argument, I have some friends in the community who argue there was a team in Croatia that might in fact have made a difference if they could have moved promptly and if the military had been allowed to exercise independent judgment."
But, Gingrich said, "Hillary Clinton lies all the time. She lies about e-mails. She lies about the Clinton Foundation. She lies about secret meetings in the State Department about donors, she lies about deals that are cut. She lies about her speeches to Goldman Sachs. By the way, she lies about Benghazi. What's new?"
Also on Tuesday, Gingrich railed about a Washington Post poll that showed Clinton ahead of Trump. The Post, though, surveyed more Democrats than Republicans, and Gingrich said a "sense of professional dignity" should have led the newspaper to withdraw the poll.
If Trump is still standing after a summer's worth of pounding by Clinton and the media, he'll win the election, said Gingrich.
"The average citizen will not tell pollsters the truth," said Gingrich. "You have much better results for Trump, for example, in a computerized online poll than a telephone poll because people don't want to tell the pollsters something they think is not socially acceptable."