The media is so addicted to covering President Donald Trump that they are missing important stories happening elsewhere, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof told CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday.
Admitting that he was as guilty as other journalists, Kristof said that “We in the media are all Trump, all the time... [and] the upshot is that we risk not covering a lot of really important things at home and around the world.”
He emphasized that “We complain that President Trump is parochial and isn’t paying attention to important things around the world. That’s absolutely right but that can also be said about us."
Kristof said that the traditional journalism business model has been collapsing for some time in the digital age, “and then along came Trump and he’s a bit of a solution to our business model as long as we have cameras focused on him, then audiences will follow.”
The columnist admitted that he did not have a real solution to the problem.
He explained that if he were an executive producer of a television show and decided to send a camera crew to cover the genocide in Myanmar, because it is important for viewers to be aware of such a serious situation, his audience is going to drop “compared to a rival network that puts a Democrat and Republican in the studio together and has them yell at each other.”
He said, however, that a first step in rectifying this situation is to become aware of the problem and “to acknowledge that there’s so much more happening in the world than Donald Trump.”