If your recent credit card bill reflects a charge from:
“NMX Franklin Prosperity”
it is for a subscription to Newsmax’s Franklin Prosperity Report.
NMX Franklin Prosperity is a personal financial newsletter that is designed to reduce expenses and help people invest wisely. It is published monthly and recent issues have included:
- Save Thousands on Soaring Education Costs
- How to Pay Zero Taxes
- 33 Ways to Save on Healthcare This Year
- 12 Commandments for Achieving Superior Wealth
Over the past few months, hundreds of thousands of Americans have taken free trial subscriptions to the NMX Franklin Prosperity Report. And for good reason . . . managing one’s finances is more important than ever.
But the NMX Franklin Prosperity newsletter isn’t for everyone.
So now Newsmax has made it easy for trial subscribers to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity Report if they choose not to receive it.
“We make it part of our business policy for subscribers to be able to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity whenever they choose. We understand that NMX Franklin Prosperity Report is not for everyone, and that is why we make it easy for trial subscribers to cancel.” stated Aaron DeHoog, Financial Publisher.
Editor’s Note: Newsmax and Moneynews want to make it as simple as possible to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity. If you are a current subscriber to NMX Franklin Prosperity Report and no longer wish to receive the newsletter, simply go here.
In fact, Newsmax has gone above and beyond industry standards to make it possible for subscribers to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity if they so choose. Normal policies to cancel subscriptions do not require any notifications of automatic renewal after an order is placed. But that is not Newsmax’s cancellation policy for NMX Franklin Prosperity Report, or any of its financial subscriptions.
For example, a notification is sent via email giving subscribers the right to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity newsletter. They can also call the toll free customer service number to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity Report at any time.
Of course, Newsmax’s goal is for everyone to renew their subscriptions to NMX Franklin Prosperity Report at the regular annual rate of $59 for print subscriptions ($47 for digital), not to cancel it.
Aaron DeHoog commented, “We hate to see people cancel their subscription to NMX Franklin Prosperity. Especially under these market conditions, when personal finance is a topic that should be at the forefront of everyone’s minds.”
As a financial newsletter published by Newsmax, NMX Franklin Prosperity Report is printed and mailed monthly. It is based on Benjamin Franklin’s financial strategy of “a penny saved is a penny earned.”
NMX Franklin Prosperity is 20 pages long and gives readers practical savings and investment tips.
A weekly email also goes out so subscribers to NMX Franklin Prosperity Report are never left in the dark in between monthly issues.
There are currently over 120,000 subscribers to NMX Franklin Prosperity.
Editor’s Note: Newsmax and Moneynews want to make it as simple as possible to cancel NMX Franklin Prosperity Report. If you are a current subscriber to NMX Franklin Prosperity and no longer wish to receive the newsletter, simply go here.