President Barack Obama is holding off implementing a "secret radical agenda" until after the November 4 midterm elections when it won't hurt Democrats in the voting booth and when he hopes no one is paying attention,
the New York Post says.
Paul Sperry, a Hoover Institution media fellow, writes that Obama has punted multiple issues until after the election on a range on subjects, including Obamacare, immigration, Guantanamo Bay and Cabinet appointments.
Though Obama promised his base he would "fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress," he now is pushing executive actions granting amnesty to until late November, Sperry writes.
A recent draft solicitation for bids from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services seeks up to 34 million new green cards and work permits.
Obama has taken no action to nominate a replacement for outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, but Sperry reports that's because he plans to nominate Labor Secretary Thomas Perez. Perez, he writes, is "someone more radical" than Holder.
Perez has falsely accused a Mississippi school district of "locking up" black students for flatulence, likened bankers to Klansmen and sabotaged a housing discrimination case before the Supreme Court to cover for his own role using "the dubious 'disparate impact' theory to shake down bankers for billions in payola for Democrat groups," Sperry wrote.
The Army's probe into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion is finished, but has yet to be released. If it clears Bergdahl, Republicans likely would use it as a campaign issue, Sperry says.
Further, the swap of Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders held at Guantanamo Bay has encouraged the Islamic State (ISIS) to try to trade Americans held captive for terrorist detainee Aafia Siddiqui, dubbed "Lady al-Qaeda." And al Qaeda member Muhammad al-Zahrani has been approved for release from Guantanamo after his lawyers successfully argued that he is less of a danger than the five men released in the Bergdahl swap.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will announce its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing program in December. Delayed from being announced this month before the elections, the program would require cities and suburbs to change their zoning laws to allow for low-income housing if an area is determined to be racially imbalanced.
Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release power plant restrictions next year costing the industry $366 billion, and he continues a six-year delay in making a decision on the Keystone XL oil pipeline. He also is expected to make a deal with Iran allowing it to triple the number of centrifuges in its nuclear program.
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