President Barack Obama said in an interview that he can be a slob and that wife Michelle constantly needs to remind him to pick up his clothes.
In a
Vogue cover-story interview, Obama said that when he was first elected to the Senate, Michelle and their two daughters stayed in Chicago, while he had a bachelor apartment when he came to Washington that was cluttered with “pizza boxes everywhere.”
He recalled that he had to get a hotel for his wife when she came to visit and saw his place. “I told you it was a dump,” the First Lady chimed in during the joint interview.
Later in the interview, Obama says that “what Michelle has done is to remind me every day of the virtues of order. Being on time. Hanging up your clothes.”
The Obamas attribute their differences to how they were raised in different kinds of families growing up.
“Michelle grew up in a model nuclear family: mom, dad, brother,” the president said. “I had this far-flung family — father left at a very young age, a stepfather who ended up passing away as well.”
Obama continued: “What that means is that I’m more comfortable with change and adventure and trying new things, but the downside of it is, sometimes—particularly when we were early on in our marriage—I wasn’t always thinking about the fact that my free-spirited ways might be having an impact on the person I’m with.”