Political activist Pamela Geller has sued Facebook. The lawsuit was brought on behalf of Geller and her American Defense Initiative organization by the
American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), which is challenging Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act under the First Amendment.
AFLC said Section 230 allows immunity from lawsuits to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, meaning these social media companies can practice government-sanctioned censorship and discriminatory business practices free from legal challenge.
Geller explained to
Breitbart News that she decided to sue, because she was frequently subject to censorship by Facebook due to her views, which the company deemed to be anti-Muslim.
Geller said that just last month, Facebook shut down her page and blocked her postings after the Orlando terrorist attack due to the social media's rule against "hateful, obscene, or threatening" content.
But Geller wrote in Breitbart that "it is not hateful, obscene, or threatening to oppose jihad terror such as we saw in Orlando. Truth is not hateful or obscene. What is hateful, obscene and threatening is that Facebook is moving to silence everyone who speaks honestly about the motivating ideology behind such attacks."
Haaretz reported that soon after her page was taken down last month, Facebook restored it after receiving protests from her followers.
Nevertheless, Geller says she if often censored and has had enough. Addressing those who tell her to do without Facebook, Geller
wrote in Breitbart: "I say no. I am sick and tired of the suppression of our speech. We are unable to engage in the public square.
"And yes, Facebook is the public square; it's where we connect. We have to fight for it. Shouting into the wilderness is not freedom of speech."