NBC News pulled a report Friday claiming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband didn't let on that he was in danger when police showed up at his home before the hammer attack, the New York Post reported.
The clip, now deleted from NBC's "Today," indicated Paul Pelosi, 82, greeted cops who responded to his 911 call at his San Francisco home. The authorities were "seemingly unaware they had been called to the home of the speaker of the House."
Pelosi didn't "declare an emergency," sources told NBC, or try to leave. He instead walked back into the foyer toward the armed attacker, David DePape, who had broken into the home.
NBC News pulled the report Friday, saying: "The piece should not have aired because it did not meet NBC News reporting standards."
As the Post states, NBC's report "contradicted court documents filed in DePape's case that said Pelosi 'nervously but calmly greeted' officers in a dimly lit foyer where both men stood."
When an officer asked DePape what was going on, DePape responded, "Everything's good." But a flashlight revealed Depape was holding a hammer with one hand and Pelosi's arm with the other.
But the NBC report did not say if DePape was holding Pelosi's arm when cops arrived.
"Mr. Pelosi had his hand on the top of the handle near the hammer itself," court documents stated.
When the officer shouted for DePape to drop the hammer, the intruder replied, "Um, nope." According to court papers, at that moment, DePape wrestled the hammer from Pelosi before taking a step back to strike him with full force in the head.
Moments after, cops jumped into action, tackling DePape, the Post reported.
Pelosi, the documents stated, was knocked unconscious and remained unresponsive in "a pool of his own blood" for three minutes.
DePape faces federal and state charges in relation to the attack.