Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., calling it “absolutely disgraceful,” blamed “left wing progressive politicians” for driving Amazon out of New York.
King made his remarks in a Thursday tweet.
He wrote: “Absolutely disgraceful that @Amazon is driven from New York by left wing progressive politicians. Terrible loss of jobs for New York workers and New York economy.”
His tweet came after Amazon announced on Thursday it will not move forward with plans to build a headquarters in New York after rising opposition from local politicians.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. had opposed the Amazon headquarters and had announced her intention to stop “the creeping overreach of one of the world’s biggest corporations,” The Washington Post had reported.
King later followed up with another tweet:
"This is one time I agree with @NYCMayor de Blasio and @NYGovCuomo. Loss of @Amazon is terrible for New York. All because progressives put sanctimony and ideological purity before workers and taxpayers. Sad day for New York."