Ever since the Kings of France consulted Nostradamus, psychics have been making news.
So which stargazers predicted the recent spate of terror attacks?
Well, some did.
British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker seemed to nail the recent Paris Islamic terror spree.
On Sept. 17, 2014, Hamilton-Parker
posted to his website his 2015 predictions that also appeared in Fate and Fortune magazine.
He wrote: “Many countries may see terrorist attacks from loan gunmen. I ‘see’ Berlin, Rome and Paris as targets but a simultaneous London attack with be thwarted. I feel one of the most frightening will be aboard a passenger liner.”
Even some French journalists seem to see into the future. The French edition of The Local chimed in with its 2015 predictions in early January, telling readers to prepare for
“lone wolf terror attacks.”
The news service noted that “with hundreds of jihadists continuing to return from the Middle East we can expect to see the threat level remain high throughout the year. Unfortunately we may [see] similar ‘lone wolf’ style attacks to the one which saw a man attack two police officers with a knife whilst shouting ‘God is the greatest’ in Arabic.”
And American seer
Eric Leigh-Pink, who hosts worldwidepredictions.com, says he has been tuning into ominous warnings of an impending terror attack against the United States.
On Saturday, Jan. 10, Leigh-Pink wrote: “The Spirits and I debated the ‘pickle’ we find [ourselves] in. We know there is a calculated attack on various parts of the world coming very soon. These are not lone wolf attacks, but calculated attacks by someone behind the scene.
“We desperately want to share every detail we can gather . . . these predictions are some of the darkest we have ever presented, it’s not just one event but several only making things more dreadful. Even I am having problems sleeping, I find myself nervous and watch the clock tick away."
On Dec. 16, 2014, Leigh-Pink received a spiritual message suggesting a major bomb attack in December or January. He now sees the date Jan. 24, but is not sure.
He wrote: “ 'Bomb’ — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24. 2nd. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — ‘By the funny sound.. like a whistle’ — Spirits Voice — Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “
He describes the terrorists: “Oddly they showed a golden necklace and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car.”
Could “Freddie Mercury” be “red mercury?"
Experts have debated its existence, but some former Soviets and others, including the late Sam Cohen, father of the neutron bomb, gave eerie warnings that the substance was available on the black market after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Supposedly “red mercury” is a highly irradiated form of mercury that when exploded creates intense heat, the type needed for a nuclear explosion, obviating the need for plutonium.
When Leigh-Pink asked where are the threats, he was told: “Ontario Canada, France, England, New York… go inside guns, guns… they will be taken against their will… bombing explosion.”
He suggests the first two have now been fulfilled with the terror raid on Canada’s House of Parliament and the recent attacks on France. He thinks England and New York are next.
Where in New York?
He reported the “Spirits Voice” as saying: “A bomb . . . a building is the target . . . known for its second floor . . . NJ . . .. NY . . . at 3, 4 . . . bell view. the nation addressed.”
He continued: “I had a visual I was on the balcony of a skyscraper. A half spider, half man landed from the sky on top of the building. The man stared me down, and I stared him down. ‘The enemy has arrived.’ I had a visual a rifle with a scope was being assembled. ‘Now,’ I do not believe a rifle is involved, but instead this is a symbolic message that the terrorists are now assembling to hit their target."
He says the building also has a high ceiling on its first floor, marble finishes and has places where people line up like a bank.
Leigh-Pink seemed to hit a bulls-eye in September, when days before the Scottish independence vote he posted to his site a message that voters there would vote “no” and he saw a visual, the number 55. As it turned out, voters rejected the secession movement by 55 percent.
He says he began getting spiritual messages and has dedicated his work to “predicting the events of tomorrow with the intent of altering the tragedies.”