Sen. Rand Paul has joined the growing chorus of Republicans who believe Hillary Clinton should be indicted for for her use of a private server to conduct confidential government business while she was secretary of state.
"I think that what she did is not that much different than what [former CIA chief and retired Gen. David] Petraeus did, and probably a lot worse than what Petraeus did," Paul, a Kentucky Republican seeking the GOP presidential nomination, said Tuesday during a SiriusXM Town Hall Q&A.
"Petraeus revealed some private or classified information to his mistress — one person. Hillary Clinton revealed thousands of potentially classified emails to hundreds of different people. So I think if they consistently apply the law, then yeah, she ought to be indicted."
Paul's opinion comes just a day after former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay told
Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg that the FBI is ready to indict Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, agency staffers will blow the whistle and go public with their findings.
"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay told Malzberg on Monday.
Paul said that former President Bill Clinton figures into another scandal surrounding his wife, who is the Democratic presidential front-runner — one that is even bigger than the current FBI probe of her email server usage.
"I think also that even bigger than that question is the whole idea of Bill Clinton getting tens of millions of dollars in speeches to people who had issues before the Secretary of State," Paul told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon.
"I mean he got paid nearly a million dollars by [the Swedish communications giant] Ericsson who was petitioning to sell stuff to Iran and it had to be approved by Hillary Clinton [as secretary of state]. How is that not a conflict of interest? How is that not illegal?"
Asked about Clinton's chief rival in the campaign, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Paul said:
"The thing that scares me more about the election than the Republican side or anything is actually that a significant portion of our population is wanting to choose Bernie Sanders."
Paul added that with his embrace of socialism, Sander's ultimate cause "can only be accomplished at the point of a gun."
The Paul interview, part of the SiriusXM Town Hall series, aired on SiriusXM Patriot — Ch. 125.