A new
Rasmussen Reports poll finds that only 25 percent of likely voters have a favorable opinion of Attorney General Eric Holder and 42 percent would like for him to resign.
The telephone survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted on May 29-30, also revealed that 47 percent of those polled have an unfavorable opinion of him.
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But despite the controversies swirling around Holder, including his handling of Justice Department seizures of reporters' records, the survey numbers were little changed from a year ago when 40 percent of voters thought he should step down because of fallout from the bungled Fast and Furious gun tracking operation.
In the current poll, 69 percent of Republicans said Holder should quit, while 42 percent of Democrats were opposed to his leaving office. Among independents, 43 percent favored his resignation.
Regarding the Justice Department's seizure of phone records from Associated Press reporters, 58 percent disapproved, while 28 percent approved. Fifty-Five percent also said they disapproved of the department's seizure of Fox News reporter James Rosen's phone records and e-mails, while 29 percent approved.
But the survey respondents were divided over whether the seizures were done to protect national security or to simply bully the media. About half also said the actions directed at reporters represent a serious scandal.
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