Republicans vowed Monday to battle President Barack Obama on his plan to enact tough restrictions on guns through executive actions.
Obama said Monday he will begin announcing a series of actions on Tuesday to prevent gun violence.
The actions are expected to increase the number of people who require a background check before buying a gun, including people who purchase at gun shows from "occasional sellers."
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a GOP presidential candidate, vowed to fight Obama's executive orders "tooth and nail."
GOP presidential front-runner
Donald Trump told CNN's "New Day" Obama "keeps signing executive orders because he doesn't meet with people. I don't know, he doesn't like people I guess. … Pretty soon you won't be able to get guns."
Ben Carson told CNN's Jake Tapper that while it is important to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals and mentally unstable people, he doesn't trust Obama will stop there.
"This is coming from a president who said, if you like your doctor, you can keep them. If you like your insurance company, you can keep them," Carson said. "Now this is like saying if you like your gun, you can keep it."
Such changes should be made by Congress, not by the executive branch alone, Carson said.
"I don't know anybody on this issue on the Republican side, quite frankly, who is totally unreasonable who's not willing to sit down and talk about those kinds of things," Carson said.
Carly Fiorina posted a video of her appearance on CNN, where she called Obama's actions "delusional, dangerous, not to mention unconstitutional."
"The word that President Obama is once again going to abuse his power to try to seize our guns, sadly, surprises nobody," added Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, on the campaign trail in Iowa.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, also campaigning in Iowa, said, "This president needs to stop focusing on what he's constitutionally forbidden to do, which is interfering with our Second Amendment."
"We all are pained by the recent atrocities in our country, but no change the president is reportedly considering would have prevented them,"
House Speaker Paul Ryan said in as statement on his website. "We have seen consistently that an underlying cause of these attacks has been mental illness, and we should look at ways to address this problem."
Obama's proposals to restrict gun rights were debated by the United States Senate, and were rejected, Ryan said."No president should be able to reverse legislative failure by executive fiat, not even incrementally."
Texas Rep. John Culberson, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee, threatened to cut off the Justice Department's funding,
The Hill reports.
Texas Sen. John Cornyn predicted a successful court challenge.
Fox News Channel commentator Brit Hume said the rules are simply impossible to enforce.
The only way to completely stop gun violence is to confiscate them all, Hume said on
"The O'Reilly Factor."
"The constitution has been found by the Supreme Court to confer the right on an individual to keep and bear arms," Hume said. "For the moment, that ship has sailed."