President Donald Trump should not discuss the possibility of a pardon for Michael Cohen while investigations against his longtime attorney continue, Rudy Giuliani told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.
"I have advised the president, which he understands, no discussion of pardons,” said Giuliani, who is part of Trump's legal team. "You can't abridge your power to do it, that's something you can decide down the road one way or the other."
Cohen is under investigation for bank fraud and campaign finance law violations.
Giuliani insisted that no one on Trump's team has reached out to Cohen or his attorneys about a pardon, but said the president should not rule one out in the future, saying it "wouldn't be fair to the president, wouldn't be fair to Cohen, wouldn't be fair to future presidents."
He added that "the fact is there's no reason for a pardon right now or even to consider it, and quite honestly, it would just confuse everything."
Cohen recently raised speculation that he might turn on Trump after he said his first loyalty belongs to his family and country, not the president, but Giuliani downplayed those concerns.
"Michael Cohen should cooperate with the government," he said. "We have no reason to believe he did anything wrong."
Giuliani stressed that "I have no concerns that Michael Cohen is going to do anything but tell the truth," adding that "As long as he tells the truth, we're home free."