Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh lauded the latest presidential entry in the crowded Republican field, saying billionaire
Donald Trump's remarks in his campaign announcement are "gonna resonate with a lot of people."
Limbaugh declared Trump's approximate 45-minute speech will have the same effect Ross Perot did ahead of his 1992 White House bid.
"It was amazing, actually… it was all about spending and debt spending and how the [United States] was second-rate in every regard and how it was silly and how he could fix it,"
Limbaugh told listeners.
"There was no intimation that he was gonna run for president at that time. That's what made the speech that Perot gave so attractive and attracted so much attention to it. Trump did the same kind of thing here with similar focus...."
Limbaugh singled out the real estate businessman and the Apprentice realty TV show creator's tough talk on the standing of the United States in the world.
"This was improv. It was by no means on a teleprompter," Limbaugh said, imitating Trump'a delivery by declaring: "And I'm gonna build a wall. It's gonna be the biggest, it's gonna be the best wall. There's isn't gonna be a better wall anywhere in the world. We're gonna build a wall on the Southern border and we're gonna make Mexico pay for it."
"This is gonna resonate with a lot of people, I guarantee you," Limbaugh added, warning media critics – whom he dubs the "Drive-by Media" – "are gonna pooh-pooh it. They're gonna relegate it to the carnival characteristics of the campaign and so forth, but it's gonna resonate, just like Perot did. Do not misunderstand this. It is gonna resonate with a lot of, as you hear more of this."
Limbaugh said he got so involved in the speech he asked his staff to answer the phone in the studio so he wouldn't have to break his concentration.
"I’m watching… and the phone started ringing, and nobody in the rest of the office here picked it up, and I just yelled, 'Answer the [blank, blank] phone,' because I wanted to hear what Trump was saying," Limbaugh explained. "And I stopped myself. Wait a minute. Look what just happened here. There hasn’t been a single other person give a political speech in years that if the phone rang and interrupted 'em I'd have been mad."
Limbaugh said, however, he's "not even jazzed yet" by anyone enough to make an endorsement.