Liberals fighting transgender bathroom laws in North Carolina are using the issue as the latest attack on traditional morality, conservative talk radio host
Rush Limbaugh said Thursday.
"After how many thousands of years, the definition of marriage is out the window now, to accommodate a tiny percentage of the population," Limbaugh told his radio audience. "We're not accommodating; we're actively changing how a substantive institution is defined, and it's happened essentially overnight."
Any opposition is shouted down and ridiculed," he said.
"I don't think the culture war has been about right versus wrong for a long time. And people haven't figured that out," Limbaugh said. "They continue to fight it on a moral or a morality battlefield, but that's not it at all. In fact, obliterating morality has been what the culture war is all about, not asserting it and not having it triumph."
The point of the culture war now is an "us-versus-them framework," he said. "And the whole point of the us-versus-them battle has been to obliterate the whole notion of morality. Just wipe it out, on the belief that nobody has the right to define it."
No one can write laws based on morality and apply them to all because everyone's morality differs, Limbaugh explained. "And the culture warriors believe that there is universal right and wrong only because the majorities have had the tyrannical power to use right and wrong as ways to oppress people."