Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Sunday said he isn't as concerned about a Donald Trump nomination as most Republicans seem to be.
"I think with the case of Trump, there’s a much bigger upside than downside," Limbaugh said on
"Fox News Sunday."
Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment ignoring the concerns of the people, Limbaugh said, and Trump is actually doing what the GOP says it wants to do: bring in more people to the party.
"The disconnect between the Republican Party establishment — and the Democrat establishment — and the people of this country is longer, broader, wider than I have ever seen it," Limbaugh said. "These people in the establishment have been telling us they're the ones to fix everything, and everything they try to fix, they've botched: TARP, the recession fix, such as the stimulus."
Limbaugh has said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the closest candidate to Ronald Reagan and is the biggest conservative in the race, but he said Sunday he isn't that worried about a Trump nomination.
"You deal with what you end up getting," Limbaugh said. "You don't win everything. And, ultimately, you have to take what you get."
Limbaugh said he predicts that if the GOP does not succeed in defeating Trump in the primary process it will attempt to do so at the convention.
"I mean, Gov. [Mitt] Romney has pretty much telegraphed that," he said. "And, if that happens there's a walkout. If that happens then you've got utter chaos."
But Limbaugh expects "clear heads will prevail" and the "correct political enemy will be identified.
"I think it ends with a nominee. I actually think when we get down to this summer … I think we're going to have support for the nominee," he said, because everyone realizes it is the Democratic party "that is the most destructive force in this country. It's not one of these Republicans."
Still, he said, the party may be "reconstituted and changed, and that's not a bad thing either."
On the other candidates, Limbaugh said:
• On Florida Sen. Marco Rubio: "I don't see where he's getting traction anywhere. And, again, what's harming him, when Rubio won election he was a tea party darling, he was a tea party favorite. What happened? Gang of Eight. Whatever the reality is, the perception is that he went to Washington and threw in with the quote-unquote 'establishment.' He cannot, he cannot recover from that. … He is seen now as the candidate the Republican Party and its donors have decided to glom onto next. They tried Jeb."
• On Cruz: He had a strategy to lure the 4.5 million-plus voters who sat out 2012 while allowing everyone else to vote the same as they did before. " So he's tailoring his message for a specific conservative evangelical. I think it's limited his appeal. I think he has the ability to appeal to everybody."