Anthony Scaramucci, the short-lived White House Communications Director, took to CBS' "Late Show with Stephen Colbert" to levy some stiff accusations about the inner workings of the Trump administration.
During an appearance slated to air Monday night and taped earlier in the day, Scaramucci told Colbert in an interview segment previewed by CBS that he felt his relationship with former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was "adversarial," and then reiterated his feelings that Priebus and Trump advisor Steve Bannon have been leaking information to the press.
"There was no love lost there," said Scaramucci of his relationship with Priebus.
When asked by Colbert if he felt Bannon might leave the White House soon, Scaramucci replied, "that's up to the President," and then added, "If it was up to me, he'd be gone. But it's not up to me."
CBS is expected to air the full interview between Colbert and Scaramucci Monday night.
This appearance is Scaramucci's first on one of the nation's late-night programs since he left the White House after a short and controversial tenure. Scaramucci appeared Sunday on ABC's "This Week" Sunday public affairs program