Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker isn't cowering after President Barack Obama took a slam at him after Walker said he would revoke a bad nuclear deal with Iran on his first day in office if he is elected president.
In an
interview with National Public Radio, Obama called Walker's approach "foolish," and said, "perhaps Mr. Walker, after he has taken some time to bone up on foreign policy, will feel the same."
Walker, a target of Obama's ire before when he signed into law a right-to-work bill, said Thursday on
Fox News Channel's "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" that Obama is hardly the person to give foreign policy advice.
"I think he should spend more of his time trying to figure out how to work with governors in both parties who have very serious concerns about the framework of his proposed deal with Iran," Walker said.
He then ticked off a list of what Republicans deem failures of Obama's foreign policy, including labeling the Islamic State (ISIS) a "JV squad" a little more than a year ago. ISIS is now a major thorn in Obama's side.
Obama also called Yemen a success story in the war on terror in September. Today, it's America-friendly leadership has been run out of the country while Saudi Arabia and other Arab states attempt to drive out Iranian-backed Houthis.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Russia a reset button "before much of the nonsense happened in the past several years," Walker added.
"This is really surprising that someone would say something like this, but I expect we will see more of this in the future," he said.
Walker is expected to announce a bid for the Republican nomination for president this year.