Fired FBI Director James Comey and special counsel Robert Mueller intend to speak before Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee after Memorial Day, CNN reported.
The sit-down between Comey and the ex-FBI director prompted the cancellation of a House Oversight committee hearing that had been planned for this week, its chairman, Rep. Jason Chaffez, R-Utah, announced.
Comey's testimony before the Senate panel is expected the week after the holiday, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking member, told "The Situation Room."
"Comey is actually going to meet with Bob Mueller, who was appointed last week as a special counsel in this Russia investigation, to determine what he can and can't say in that public testimony," CNN congressional correspondent Manu Raju reported.
According to Raju, Warner also said he and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., will meet this week with Mueller "to try to figure out a way forward on their investigation and whether or not it conflicts in any way with the special counsel's investigation."
"Warner also is making clear that he wants to see documents about that meeting that the president had with Russian officials in which he apparently shared highly classified information. He says the White House should turn over records about that meeting."
CNN also reported Mueller has been briefed on "the contents of some of the memoirs that former FBI Director James Comey kept to document his conversations with President Donald Trump."