MSNBC host Chris Matthews likened the prolife position of GOP candidates Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to "Shariah."
He also said on Tuesday that the presidential and vice presidential candidates, if elected, would operate America on a “religious theory” – and give a newly fertilized egg the 14th Amendment rights of life, liberty and property.
“Whatever that means,” Matthews said in his preview to the second presidential debate, according to
NewsBusters and Fox News. “An egg that had just been fertilized, right after sex, if you will.”
“And to have that notion that that would be a person under this personhood thing that Ryan’s pushing, and under the 14th Amendment rights, the platform that Romney’s running on. This is extremism. I say (to the) center right tonight, it's almost like Shariah."
Matthews also suggested Romney and Ryan were telling Americans that they would “operate under a religious theory, under a religious belief,” NewsBusters and Fox reports. “We're going to run our country this way, to the point of making a woman's decision to have an abortion, her reproductive rights, as criminal, perhaps murderous.”
MSNBC has not responded to a request for comment.