Young American voters are much more supportive of socialism than older generations, with more than two-thirds saying they would back a socialist candidate in a new poll.
The survey, conducted by YouGov and Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, found millennials and Generation Z were much more likely to support a socialist candidate than Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation, who tended to prefer capitalist candidates.
- Gen Z: 49% favorable toward capitalism, 64% would vote for socialist.
- Millennials: 50% favor capitalism, 70% would vote for socialist.
- Gen X: 58% favor capitalism, 44% would vote for socialist.
- Boomers: 63% favor capitalism, 36% would vote for socialist.
- Silent: 77% favor capitalism, 33% would vote for socialist.
The survey also found about half of millennials (50%) and Gen Z (51%) were unfavorable toward capitalism. That is an increase of 8 percentage points for millennials and 6 percentage points for Gen Z from last year.
Almost one-fifth of millennials (19%) and 12% of Gen Z said the Communist Manifesto "better guarantees freedom and equality for all" than the U.S. Declaration of Independence, compared to 2% of Baby Boomers and 5% of Gen X.
YouGov polled 2,100 U.S. residents: 303 Gen Z, 554 millennials, 494 Gen X, 587 Baby Boomers, and 162 members of the Silent Generation.