CNN's Jake Tapper expressed disappointment that President Barack Obama wasn't among the world leaders marching arm-in-arm in the rally for unity and peace in Paris on Sunday.
More than 40 world leaders were among the tens of thousands of people filling the streets. Among them were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
King Abdullah of Jordan, a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, also was there, Tapper noted.
"It is not a small thing for him to be walking in the same line as the Prime Minister of Israel, protesting the terrorist acts committed against A) four Jews in a kosher supermarket, and B) 12 people, most of whom were journalists for a publication that regularly mocked religions, including Islam," Tapper said while covering the rally from streets of Paris.
"I don't mean this as a criticism of the Obama administration, but just as an American, I do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of world leaders," Tapper said. "But I'm a little disappointed personally. This is me speaking personally, not as a representative of CNN, but as an American, that there isn't more of a display of unity here because this is just one of the most incredible events I've ever attended."