The Tax Policy Center has retracted its study on the Republican tax-reform plan, saying that it mostly benefited the wealthy, because of a miscalculation.
"Tax Policy Center staff found an error in the preliminary distributional analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that we released today," the center said Monday, according to The Washington Free Beacon.
"This error involved the additional child tax credit component of the proposed legislation.
"We are in the process of revising our analysis and will release a corrected version as soon as possible," the think tank said. "We removed all related analyses from our website.
"We urge users to refrain from referring to the incorrect figures," the center added. "We regret this error and will provide corrected analyses as soon as we can."
The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution.
In its original analysis, released Monday, the center said that the largest tax cuts would go to wealthier earners, while some taxpayers would pay even higher taxes, the Free Beacon reports.
"We find the legislation would reduce taxes on average for all income groups in 2018 and most income groups in 2027," the think tank wrote.
"The largest cuts in terms of dollars and as a percentage of after-tax income would accrue to higher-income households.
"However, not all taxpayers would receive a tax cut under this proposal — at least 12 percent of taxpayers would pay higher taxes under the proposal in 2018 and at least 28 percent of taxpayers would pay more in 2027," the original analysis said.