Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, continued his public spat with “Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill on Twitter over net neutrality, with Cruz quoting “Star Wars” character Yoda in a final retort.
“Respond not with facts, but with anger. Who was it that said, ‘Fear is the path to the dark side… fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate’?” Cruz tweeted at Hamill, who originally criticized FCC Chairman Ajit Pai for invoking “Star Wars” in a video defending the organization’s repeal of net neutrality rules.
The FCC last week voted to repeal the 2015 landmark net neutrality rules, which bar internet service providers from blocking or throttling internet traffic, or offering paid fast lines. Pai the day before released a video called, “7 Things You Can Still Do on the Internet After Net Neutrality,” and wields a lightsaber telling viewers they would still be able to stream their favorite movies and be part of their favorite fan communities.
Hamill cited the video in a tweet and said Pai was “unworthy 2 wield a lightsaber.”
Then Cruz inserted himself into the conversation.