The claims being made about a whistleblower report reportedly about a phone call between President Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine are starting to feel like the "Russia hoax' all over again, Rep. Devin Nunes said Monday.
"The very thing they are accusing President Trump of doing, (Joe) Biden did," the California Republican told Fox News' "Fox and Friends" about claims that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden's son, Hunter, and his business interests in Ukraine.
"What is this all about?" said Nunes. "This is a whistleblower that supposedly wants to remain secret. Yet, all his secrets, his or her secrets are spilling out in the pages of the New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News. This could not even be about Ukraine. We have seen absolutely nothing.
House members were briefed last week by Inspector General Michael Atkinson about the whistleblower, but not directly about the information in that person's complaint, said Nunes.
Meanwhile, he said he thinks the news is big because Biden's numbers are dropping in his bid for the Democratic presidential election.
"No one was concerned about Russia until after Hillary Clinton lost the election," said Nunes. "I think what this ultimately amounts to you see Biden is flailing, I think, in the polls."
Meanwhile, Nunes said he thinks the current controversy is like when transcripts of his conversations with the prime ministers in Australia and Mexico leaked out, but he does not think the current stories are helping Biden's campaign at all.
"He started out in the high 30s, but if you look at all the early states, he is basically either tied or behind," said Nunes. "Whether that's in Iowa or California, so I don't think it looks good for him."