Donald Trump's campaign Tuesday pointed to Aetna Inc.'s decision to stop selling individual Obamacare plans next year as the clearest sign that President Barack Obama's signature domestic achievement is "imploding" and must be repealed.
"Aetna's decision to leave the Affordable Care Act's public marketplaces is the latest blow to this broken law that is slowly imploding under its regulatory red tape," said Dan Kowalski, the campaign's deputy national policy director. "Millions of Americans have lost their health coverage under this disastrous policy, eliminating their ability to choose their doctors.
"Thousands of businesses have been forced to cut employment or shutter their doors in response to Obama's signature achievement," Kowalski said.
Aetna, based in Hartford, Conn., said Monday that it would end Obamacare plans in 11 of the 15 states where it had been participating in the program.
The insurer will leave markets in such states as North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Florida, while remaining in Iowa, Delaware, Nebraska and Virginia.
In the markets where it is pulling out, Aetna said that it would offer individual coverage outside of the Obamacare exchanges.
"Mr. Trump has vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare," Kowalski said. "The bureaucratic mess is costing Americans more every day.
"Affordable coverage for every American will be the top priority — and under a Trump presidency, the government will work for the people again."