Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday poked at his Florida challengers, Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio, at a rally in their home state.
"Bush has no money, he's meeting today with mommy and daddy, and they're working on his campaign," Trump told a crowd in Jacksonville, Fla.,
The Hill reports.
Trump referenced the cuts this week to the former Florida governor's campaign staff. He continues to lead both contenders
in Sunshine State polling.
"He's a guy wants to run our country and he can't even run his own campaign," Trump said. "Think of it."
The billionaire developer also made light of the current spat between Bush and Rubio. "He was very disloyal to Bush," Trump said of the first-term senator. "Everybody admits that Bush was his mentor.
"They're fighting like crazy," he added. "I'm laughing watching them fight."
Trump also attacked retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who topped him in this week's polling in Iowa, saying that he was "super-low on energy," the Hill reports.
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