Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on Friday accused Russian soldiers of committing rape in Ukrainian cities during the invasion, though he did not provide evidence to support this claim, Reuters reports.
"When bombs fall on your cities, when soldiers rape women in the occupied cities — and we have numerous cases of, unfortunately, when Russian soldiers rape women in Ukrainian cities — it's difficult, of course, to speak about the efficiency of international law," Kuleba said during an event in London, England.
"But this is the only tool of civilization that is available to us to make sure that eventually all those who made this war possible will be brought to justice," he added.
Reuters notes that Kuleba did not offer evidence, and the news organization was unable to verify the claims, as was Newsweek, which contacted authorities in Ukraine and Russia for comment.
CNN spoke with a resident of Kherson, Svetlana Zorina, who told the news network: "We are scared, they already started to rape our women. There was information from people who I personally know, that a 17-year-old girl, it's happened to her and then they killed her. So we are terrified and scared, but we are not going to give up."