Election offices across Florida will have to hand count at a bare minimum almost 54,000 ballots in the U.S. Senate race.
A survey of 64 of Florida's 67 counties by The Associated Press put the number of overvotes and undervotes Thursday evening at 53,769 ballots in the U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and GOP Gov. Rick Scott.
The only counties that hadn't reported those counts were three of the state's largest: Broward, Lee and Palm Beach counties.
In an overvote, a voter picks more than one choice for the same race. With an undervote, the voter doesn't pick a choice in a race.
The deadline for finishing the hand count is Sunday.
Florida's secretary of state has ordered a manual recount in the state's hotly contested U.S. Senate race.
Department of State spokeswoman Sarah Revell said in a news release Thursday evening that unofficial returns from a machine recount had triggered a second recount in the Senate race and the state agriculture commissioner's race.
The release said the results of the manual recounts are due by noon Sunday.
Unofficial recount results on the secretary of state's website show Republican Gov. Rick Scott with a .15 percentage point lead over Democratic incumbent U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson. State law requires a hand recount of races with margins of 0.25 percentage points or less.