Rumors of Russian President Vladimir Putin's declining health surfaced again Tuesday, as his face appeared puffy while he attended an awards ceremony for Russia's Olympians.
The New York Post reported that Putin was ''noticeably bloated'' while posing for pictures with figure skater Kamila Valieva.
Putin was also seen last week, according to the Post, looking swollen and apparently holding on to a table for support in a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He also allegedly appeared rickety at an Orthodox Easter service in Moscow.
It has also been rumored that Putin had recently had 35 meetings in secret with an oncologist.
The White House would not speculate on Putin's health. When asked Monday about the rumors, press secretary Jen Psaki did not have ''any assessment to offer from here or any particular comment'' regarding Putin's health.
The Kremlin has denied any rumors about Putin's possibly declining health.