About three-quarters of Americans see climate change as a crisis or a major problem, according to a new poll by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Here are how the results, released Friday, break down:
- 38% say climate change is a crisis.
- 38% say it is a major problem, but not a crisis.
- 15% say it is a minor problem.
- 8% say it is not a problem at all.
- 37% say reducing negative effects of global warming and climate change will require Americans to make major sacrifices.
- 48% say it will require Americans to make minor changes.
- 14% says it will not require much sacrifice.
- 66% oppose President Donald Trump’s plan to freeze fuel efficiency standards, while 31% support it.
- 66% say Trump is doing too little to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- 68% support raising taxes on wealthy households as a way to pay for policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The poll, conducted July 9-Aug. 5, surveyed 2,293 adults. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.