While Newsmax guests are denouncing President Joe Biden's gaslighting on damaging inflation as "Putin's price hike," an MSNBC host praised the political spin as "a great way to message it."
Andrea Mitchell, appearing on "Meet the Press Daily" with Chuck Todd, suggested Democrats are going to handle the midterm "politics" of inflation by putting it on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"It's a potent one, but I really do think — in talking to members of Congress — that they now see the politics right now, and it may not last, that the American people are behind this," Mitchell told Todd. "And more likely, are willing to take a hit at the pump. I don't think it's been sold adequately."
Todd suggested inflated gas prices is the cost of not going to war with Russia, saying, "well, if it means not bringing war here, right?"
"Yeah, and 'Putin's price hike' is a great way to message it," Mitchell replied.
Mitchell is NBC News' chief foreign affairs correspondent. She added the "devastating" pictures of hospitals and civilians being attacked will make voters "willing to put up with" higher gas prices – "at least the Democrats in Congress think," she said.
"I really thought that the Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was maybe premature in his new messaging that people aren't blaming President Biden for this – yet – and at least for the State of the Union, he managed to make the case," Mitchell added.