Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, says the U.S. should have thrown Russia's ambassador out of the country after suspicions grew that his nation interfered with the presidential campaign.
"I've been calling for months — at a minimum, we should have kicked the Russian ambassador out…or the senior intelligence officer," Hurd told CNN's "New Day" program on Wednesday.
Commenting directly on President Barack Obama's actions relating to the Russian hacking, Hurd said: "It's not enough to tell someone to cut it out."
"This is something there has to be a clearer response to this behavior so it doesn't happen in the future. Anyone trying to attempt to manipulate our elections, in any form or fashion, is unacceptable. We cannot allow an adversary like Russia to get away with this kind of behavior."
The Hill notes Hurd is a former undercover intelligence office and cybersecurity expert.
The website adds he has long supported the conclusion that Russia was behind the hacks on various Democratic agencies in an attempt to influence the election.